Dating Status

Derivative Generators


Dating Status
This collection of fields enables the documentation of a period's date, recording further information about that dating status in regards to the contextual and temporal extent of its validity.
System Name
Version Date
Funding Project
George Bruseker, Matthew Fielding, Veselina Kalkandzhieva, Denitsa Nenova
Swiss Universities, SARI, University of Zurich
crm_7.1.1, frbr_2.4, crmdig_3.2.1, crmgeo_1.2.1, rdfs_1.1, la_0.9, dc_1.1, dcterms_1.1, skos_1.0, crmsci_1.2.6, crminf_1.0, crmarchaeo_1.4.1, crmpe_3.1.1
Ontological Scope
E4 Period


Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Field Order Expected Collection Expected Model Derivatives
SRDF.604 Dating Relation This field is used to record the property, as a formal type, represented by the dating status ascribed to the documented period. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->zp16->E55[SRDF.604_1] Concept SRDF.604_dating_status_ascribes_functional_relation 1
SRDF.605 Dating Status Timespan This field is used to link the dating status ascribed to the documented period to a time-span that records the temporal extent of its validity. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->p4->E52[SRDF.605_1] Collection SRDF.605_dating_status_time-span 1 SRDP.1_timespan
SRDF.598 Dating Status Name This field is used to link the dating status ascribed to the documented period to a name that identifies it. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->p1->E33_E41[SRDF.598_1] Collection SRDF.598_dating_status_name 1 SRDP.9_name
SRDF.655 Dating Status Data Assignment This field is used to link the dating status ascribed to the documented period to a name that identifies it. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->p1->E33_E41[SRDF.598_1] Collection SRDF.655_dating_status_data_assignment 1 SRDP.4_data_assignment
SRDF.600 Dating Status Statement This field is used to link the dating status ascribed to the documented period to a statement that describes it. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->p67i->E33[SRDF.600_1] Collection SRDF.600_dating_status_statement 1 SRDP.2_statement
SRDF.602 Dating Status Metatype This field is used to record the metatype attributed to a formal classification. The dating of a metatype is to enable the programmatic distinction between different kinds of type applied to the same documented period. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->p2->E55[SRDF.601_1]->p2->E55[SRDF.602_1] Concept SRDF.602_dating_status_metatype 1
SRDF.607 Dating Status Context Type This field is used to record an event, as a formal type, which serves as a context for the validity of the dating relation ascribed to the documented period. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->zp76->E55[SRDF.607_1] Concept SRDF.607_dating_status_context_type 1
SRDF.778 Dating Status Geographic Scope This field is used to record the geographic extent of the Dating Status ascribed to the documented entity. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->ZP114->E53[SRDF.778_1] Reference Model SRDF.778_dating_status_geographic_scope 1 SRDM.5_Place
SRDF.608 Dating Status Initiating Act This field is used to link the dating status ascribed to the documented period to a dating declaration that initiated its validity. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->zp42i->ZE26[SRDF.608_1] Reference Model SRDF.608_dating_status_initiating_act 1 SRDM.7_Event
SRDF.601 Dating Status Type This field is used to record the record the formal type of the dating status ascribed to the documented period. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->p2->E55[SRDF.601_1] Concept SRDF.601_dating_status_type 1
SRDF.599 Dating Status Identifier This field is used to link the dating status ascribed to the documented period to an identifier that identifies it. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->p1->E42[SRDF.599_1] Collection SRDF.599_dating_status_identifier 1 SRDP.14_identifier
SRDF.606 Dating Status Context This field is used to link the dating status ascribed to the the documented period to an event which serves as a context for its validity. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->zp75->E5[SRDF.606_1] Reference Model SRDF.606_dating_status_event_context 1 SRDM.7_Event
SRDF.603 Dating Date This field is used to link the documented period to another period, with which it maintans a relative dating status. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->zp54->E4[SRDF.603_1] Reference Model SRDF.603_dating_status_ascribes_relative_date 1 SRDM.11_Period
SRDF.609 Dating Status Terminating Act This field is used to link the dating status ascribed to the documented period to a dating declaration that terminated its validity. ->zp55i->ZE25[SRDF.597_1]->zp52i->ZE26[SRDF.609_1] Reference Model SRDF.609_dating_status_terminating_act 1 SRDM.7_Event

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF

RDF Warnings

at line 124 of <>: Bad syntax (expected '.' or '}' or ']' at end of statement) at ^ in: "...b'_relative_date\n'^b' a\ncrm:E4_Perio'..."

RDF Error

at line 124 of <>: Bad syntax (expected '.' or '}' or ']' at end of statement) at ^ in: "...b'_relative_date\n'^b' a\ncrm:E4_Perio'..."

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