Archival Unit Production

Derivative Generators


Archival Unit Production
This collection of fields enables the documentation of information describing the various parameters involved in an archival unit's production. Such parameters typically include information such as actors involved, the location at which it took place, and so on.
System Name
Version Date
Funding Project
George Bruseker, Matthew Fielding, Veselina Kalkandzhieva, Denitsa Nenova
Swiss Universities, SARI, University of Zurich
crm_7.1.1, frbr_2.4, crmdig_3.2.1, crmgeo_1.2.1, rdfs_1.1, la_0.9, dc_1.1, dcterms_1.1, skos_1.0, crmsci_1.2.6, crminf_1.0, crmarchaeo_1.4.1, crmpe_3.1.1
Ontological Scope
E78 Curated Holding


Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Field Order Expected Collection Derivatives
SRDF.472 Archival Unit Production Actor This field is used to link the documented archival unit production to an actor who played a role in that production. ->p128->E33[SRDF.466_1]->p94i->E65[SRDF.466_2] ->p01i->PC14[SRDF.472_1]->p02->E39[SRDF.472_2] Reference Model SRDM.1_Person, SRDM.3_Group SRDF.472_archival_unit_production_actor 1
SRDF.474 Archival Unit Producer Assignment This field is used to record the details of the assignment of a production event to the documented archival unit. ->p128->E33[SRDF.466_1]->p94i->E65[SRDF.466_2]->p01i->PC14[SRDF.472_1]->p141i->E13[SRDF.474_1] Collection SRDF.474_archival_unit_production_attribution 1 SRDP.4_data_assignment
SRDF.468 Archival Unit Production Period This field is used to link the documented archival unit production to a period in which it has been produced. ->p128->E33[SRDF.466_1]->p94i->E65[SRDF.466_2]->P117->E4[SRDF.468_1] Reference Model SRDM.11_Period SRDF.468_archival_unit_production_period 1
SRDF.473 Archival Unit Production Actor Role This field is used to record the role of the actor involved in the documented archival unit production. ->p128->E33[SRDF.466_1]->p94i->E65[SRDF.466_2]->p01i->PC14[SRDF.472_1]->p14.1->E55[SRDF.473_1] Concept SRDF.473_archival_unit_production_actor_role 1
SRDF.470 Archival Unit Production Technique This field is used to record the technique employed in the documented archival unit production. ->p128->E33[SRDF.466_1]->p94i->E65[SRDF.466_2]->P32->E55[SRDF.470_1] Concept SRDF.470_archival_unit_production_technique 1
SRDF.469 Archival Unit Production Location This field is used to link the documented archival unit to a location at which it was produced. ->p128->E33[SRDF.466_1]->p94i->E65[SRDF.466_2]->P7->E53[SRDF.469_1] Reference Model SRDM.5_Place SRDF.469_archival_unit_production_location 1
SRDF.466 Archival Unit Production Type This field is used to record the formal type of production of the documented archival unit. ->p128->E33[SRDF.466_1]->p94i->E65[SRDF.466_2]->P2->E55[SRDF.466_3] Concept SRDF.466_archival_unit_production_type 1
SRDF.467 Archival Unit Production Timespan This field is used to link the documented archival unit production to a timespan. ->p128->E33[SRDF.466_1]->p94i->E65[SRDF.466_2]->P4->E52[SRDF.467_1] Collection SRDF.467_archival_unit_production_timespan 1 SRDP.1_timespan
SRDF.475 Archival Unit Production Statement This field is used to record as a string value a statement about the documented archival unit production. ->p128->E33[SRDF.466_1]->p94i->E65[SRDF.466_2]->P67i->E33[SRDF.475_1] Collection SRDF.475_archival_unit_production_statement 1 SRDP.2_statement
SRDF.471 Archival Unit Production Used Object This field is used to link the documented archival unit production to an object employed in that production ->p128->E33[SRDF.466_1]->p94i->E65[SRDF.466_2]->p16->E18[SRDF.471_1] Reference Model SRDM.2_Artwork, SRDM.4_Builtwork, SRDM.15_Physical_Information_Carrier SRDF.471_archival_unit_production_used_physical_object 1

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


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