Transfer of Custody

Derivative Generators


Transfer of Custody
This collection of fields enables the documentation of the parameters involved in the transfer of custody of a physical thing - e.g. an artwork or built work - from one actor to another actor, such as the time it occurred, where it happened, who carried out the action and so on.
System Name
Version Date
Funding Project
crm_7.1.1, frbr_2.4, crmdig_3.2.1, crmgeo_1.2.1, rdfs_1.1, la_0.9, dc_1.1, skos_1.0, crmarchaeo_1.4.1, dcterms_1.1, crmsci_1.2.6, crminf_1.0
Ontological Scope
E7 Activity


Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Field Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.331 Actor in Transfer of Custody Event This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to an actor responsible for carrying it out. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P14->E39[331_1] Reference Model LAM.9_person, LAM.4_group LAF.331_transfer_of_custody_actor
LAF.325 Actor Receiving Custody in Transfer of Custody Event This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to the actor to whom the custody was transferred. ->P9->E10[1391_1]->P29->E39[325_1] Reference Model LAM.9_person, LAM.4_group LAF.325_transfer_of_custody_actor_receiving_custody
LAF.330 Actor Ceding Custody in Transfer of Custody Event This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to the actor from custody was transferred. ->P9->E10[1391_1]->P28->E39[330_1] Reference Model LAM.9_person, LAM.4_group LAF.330_transfer_of_custody_actor_ceding_custody
LAF.319 Location of Transfer of Custody Event This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to a location at which it was carried out. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P7->E53[319_1] Reference Model LAM.11_place LAF.319_transfer_of_custody_location
LAF.595 Object Used in Transfer of Custody This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to an object that is consequential in that activity. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P16->E70[595_1] Reference Model LAM.10_physical_thing, LAM.13_textual_work, LAM.14_visual_work, LAM.2_collection, LAM.3_digital_resource LAF.595_transfer_of_custody_object_used
LAF.326 Object Transferred through Transfer of Custody Event This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to the physical object whose custody was transferred through this event. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P30->E22[326_1] Reference Model LAM.10_physical_thing LAF.326_transfer_of_custody_object_transferred
LAF.590 Influence on Transfer of Custody This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody of an entity that influenced that event. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P15->E1[590_1] Reference Model LAM.1_activity, LAM.2_collection, LAM.3_digital_resource, LAM.4_group, LAM.9_person, LAM.10_physical_thing, LAM.11_place, LAM.12_provenance_activity, LAM.13_textual_work, LAM.14_visual_work LAF.590_transfer_of_custody_influence
PIRF.507 Transfer of Custody Purpose This field is used to document the purpose of the transfer of custody of an object. ->P9->E10[318_1]->p21->E55[507_1] Concept PIRF.507_transfer_of_custody_purpose
LAF.324 Related Event that Transfer of Custody Event Starts After This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to an event that it starts after. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P182i->E4[324_1] Reference Model LAM.1_activity, LAM.8_period, LAM.12_provenance_activity LAF.324_transfer_of_custody_starts_after_event
LAF.321 Related Event that Transfer of Custody Event Ends Before This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to an event that it ends before. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P182->E4[321_1] Reference Model LAM.1_activity, LAM.8_period, LAM.12_provenance_activity LAF.321_transfer_of_custody_ends_before_event
LAF.320 Transfer of Custody Event Type This field is used to record the formal type of the documented transfer of custody. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P2->E55[320_1] Concept LAF.320_transfer_of_custody_type
LAF.322 Source Reference Work for Transfer of Custody Event This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to a textual source which documents the activity itself. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P67i->E33[322_1] Reference Model LAM.13_textual_work LAF.322_transfer_of_custody_source_reference
LAF.327 Transfer of Custody Event Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for the documented transfer of custody. ->P9->E10[318_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String LAF.327_transfer_of_custody_label
LAF.318 Transfer of Custody Event Period This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to a larger event in which it occurred. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P117->E4[318_2] Reference Model LAM.8_period LAF.318_transfer_of_custody_period
LAF.323 Timespan of Transfer of Custody Event This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to an instance of time-span recording the temporal extent of the activity. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P4->E52[323_1] Collection LAF.323_transfer_of_custody_timespan LAP.6_timespan
LAF.329 Name for Transfer of Custody Event This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to a name that has been attributed to it. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P1->E33_E41[329_1] Collection LAF.329_transfer_of_custody_name LAP.1_name
LAF.332 Identifier for Transfer of Custody Event This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to an identifier that has been attributed to it. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P1->E42[332_1] Collection LAF.332_transfer_of_custody_identifier LAP.2_identifier
LAF.328 Statement about Transfer of Custody Event This field is used to link the documented transfer of custody to a statement that describes it. ->P9->E10[318_1]->P67i->E33[328_1] Collection LAF.328_transfer_of_custody_statement LAP.4_statement

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


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