Bibliographic Entity

Derivative Generators


[MOD.8] Bibliographic Entity
Bibliographic Entity
The bibliographic item reference data model provides a list of standard fields that are often found present in the general description of a bibliographic item. The scope of this reference model is the bibliographic item as information object and pointer to real world instances of the publication; this model aims to provide a streamlined list of common descriptors for a bibliographic item and not a complete representation of all aspects of a real bibliographic record. Rather, we are interested here in representing the types of information that are typically gathered by scholars relative to a publication in their creation of bibliographies for use in scholarship and used as the basis for citations. This reference model aims to remain at a general level description, providing a consolidated, high level reference data model of most commonly reused descriptors for a bibliographic item as such and to provide for these in turn a set of standard semantic mappings to the CIDOC CRM. Moreover, each field is marked with regards to its potential functionality with regards to instance matching between overlapping datasets.


Identifier Name Description CRM Path
bibliographic entity_15_alternative_name_-_attributed_by Alternative Name - Attributed by This field is used to indicate the organization or individual attributing the alternative name to the documented bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E33_E41[10_1] --> P141i --> E13[15_1] --> P14 --> E39[15_2]
bibliographic entity_142_publisher Publisher This field is used to indicate the publisher of the bibliographic item. --> R24i --> F30[140_1] --> P01 --> PC14[142_1] --> P02 --> E39 --> R24i --> F30[142_2] --> P01 --> PC14[142_3] --> P14.1 --> E55"Publisher"
bibliographic entity_189_description_language Description Language This field is used to indicate the language of the description of the documented instance of bibliographic item. --> P129i --> E33[188_1] --> P72 --> E56[189_1]
bibliographic entity_191_description_author Description Author This field is used to indicate the author of the description given of the documented instance of bibliographic entity --> P129i --> E33[188_1] --> P94i --> E65[191_1]>-P14 --> E39[191_2]
bibliographic entity_5_name Name This field is used to indicate the main name attributed to the documented bibliographic item. No part break down of name is here implied. The full name of an individual is expected here where available. --> P1 --> E33_E41[5_1] --> P190 --> rdfs:Literal<br><br> --> P1 --> E33_E41[5_1] --> P2 --> E55[5_2]{'preferred terms'}
bibliographic entity_7_name_part Name Part This field is used to indicate a sub part of the title attributed to the documented bibliographic item. It can be used, for example, to documeent a 'subtitle' separately to the whole title. --> P1 --> E33_E41[5_1] --> P106 --> E41[7_1] --> rdfs:label --> rdfs:Literal
bibliographic entity_1_identifier Identifier This field is used to indicate an identifier attributed to the documented bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E42[1_1] --> P190 --> rdfs:Literal
bibliographic entity_70_publication_date_-_earliest Publication Date - Earliest This field is used to indicate the earliest known date for the birth of the documented bibliographic item. --> R24i --> F30[70_1] --> P4 --> E52[70_2] --> P82a --> xsd:dateTime
bibliographic entity_101_temporal_reference Temporal Reference This field is used to indicate the temporal coverage associated with the documented bibliographic item. It is meant to capture the temporal area to which this item can be associated as having relevance. --> P129 --> E4[101_1]
bibliographic entity_12_alternative_name_language Alternative Name Language This field is used to indicate the language of the alternative name attributed to the documented bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E33_E41[10_1] --> P72 --> E56[12_1]
bibliographic entity_16_alternative_name_-_source Alternative Name - Source This field is used to indicate the source on the basis of which the organization attributing the alternative name use based their attribution. --> P1 --> E33_E41[10_1] --> P141i --> E13[15_1] --> P16 --> E73[16_1]
bibliographic entity_32_is_part_of Is Part Of This field is used to indicate the belonging of the particular bibliographic item to a larger bibliographic unit, such as the relation between a chapter and a book, an article and a journal issue etc. --> P106i --> F24[32_1]
bibliographic entity_194_description_-_source Description - Source This field is used to record the source of the description of the documented instance of the bibliographic item. --> P129i --> E33[188_1] --> P94i --> E65[191_1] --> P16 --> E73[194_1]
bibliographic entity_187_item Item This field is used to indicate the identification number for a library item carrying this bibliographic item. --> P128i- --> E22[187_1]
bibliographic entity_13_alternative_name_use_period_-_earliest Alternative Name Use Period - Earliest This field is used to indicate the earliest known date for use of the alternative name attributed to the documented bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E33_E41[10_1] --> R64i --> F52[13_1] --> P4 --> E52[13_2] --> P82a --> xsd:dateTime
bibliographic entity_8_name_part_type Name Part Type This field is used to indicate the type of the specific part of the name attributed to the documented bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E33_E41[5_1] --> P106 --> E33_E41[7_1] --> P2 --> E55[8_1]
bibliographic entity_190_description_type Description Type This field is used to indicate the type of description given of the documented instance of bibliographic item. --> P129i --> E33[188_1] --> P2 --> E55[190_1]
bibliographic entity_94_number_of_pages Number of Pages This field is used to indicate the number of pages in a volume using free text. --> P43 --> E54[94_1] --> P129i --> E73[94_2] --> P190 --> rdfs:Literal<br><br> --> P43 --> E54[94_1] --> P2 --> E55[94_3]"Page Numbers"
bibliographic entity_193_description_date_-_latest Description Date - Latest This field is used to indicate the latest date for the creation of the description of the documented instance of bibliographic item. --> P129i --> E33[188_1] --> P94i --> E65[191_1] --> P4 --> E52[191_2] --> P82b —> xsd:dateTime
bibliographic entity_71_publication_date_-_latest Publication Date - Latest This field is used to indicate the latest known date for the birth of the documented bibliographic item. --> R24i --> F30[70_1] --> P4 --> E52[70_2] --> P82b --> xsd:dateTime
bibliographic entity_103_subject_reference Subject Reference This field is used to indicate the subject of representation of the documented archival item. It is meant to capture general subject areas, not particular individual items represented. --> P129 --> E55[103_1]
bibliographic entity_17_type Type This field is used to indicate the form of the bibliographic item. --> P2 --> E55[17_1]
bibliographic entity_2_identifier_type Identifier Type This field is used to indicate the type of an identifier attributed to the documented bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E42[1_1] --> P2 --> E55[2_1]
bibliographic entity_204_same_as Same As The field is used to record the sameness between the entity described and an external authority --> L54 --> E1[204_1]
bibliographic entity_11_alternative_name_type Alternative Name Type This field is used to indicate the type of the alternative name that has been attributed to the documented bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E33_E41[10_1] --> P2 --> E55[11_1]
bibliographic entity_14_alternative_name_use_period_-_latest Alternative Name Use Period - Latest This field is used to indicate the latest known date for use of the alternative name attributed to the documented bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E33_E41[10_1] --> R64i --> F52[13_1] --> P4 --> E52[13_2] --> P82b --> xsd:dateTime
bibliographic entity_3_identifier_provider Identifier Provider This field is used to indicate the provider of the identifier attributed to the documented bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E42[1_1] --> P37i --> E15[3_1] --> P14 --> E39[3_2]
bibliographic entity_6_name_language Name Language This field is used to indicate the language of the name attributed to the bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E33_E41[5_1] --> P72 --> E56[6_1]
bibliographic entity_192_description_date_-_earliest Description Date - Earliest This field is used to indicate the earliest date for the creation of the description of the documented instance of bibliographic item. --> P129i --> E33[188_1] --> P94i --> E65[191_1] --> P4 --> E52[191_2] --> P82a --> xsd:dateTime
bibliographic entity_31_has_part Has Part This field is used to indicate publications which forms part of the documented bibliographic item. --> P106 --> F24[31_1]
bibliographic entity_188_description Description This field is used to indicate a description of the documented instance of bibliographic item. --> P129i --> E33[188_1] --> P190 --> rdfs:Literal
bibliographic entity_102_physical_geographic_reference Physical Geographic Reference This field is used to indicate the geographic coverage associated with the documented bibliographic item. It is meant to capture the geographic area to which this item can be associated as having relevance. --> P129 --> E53[102_1]
bibliographic entity_141_authorship_role Authorship Role This field is used to indicate the role of the author, conitrbutor and other producers of content of the bibliographic item in creating that content. --> R24i --> F30[140_1] --> P01 --> PC14[140_2] --> P14.1 --> E55[141_1]
bibliographic entity_10_alternative_name Alternative Name This field is used to indicate an alternative name under which the documented bibliographic item is known. --> P1 --> E33_E41[10_1] --> P190 --> rdfs:Literal
bibliographic entity_72_publication_location Publication Location This field is used to indicate the place of birth of the documented bibliographic item. --> R24i --> F30[70_1] --> P7 --> E53[72_1]
bibliographic entity_140_author Author This field is used to indicate authors, contributors and other producers of the content of the bibliographic item. --> R24i --> F30[140_1] --> P01 --> PC14[140_2] --> P02 --> E39[143_2]
bibliographic entity_4_identifier_source Identifier Source This field is used to indicate the source based on which the identifier was attributed to the bibliographic item. --> P1 --> E42[1_1] --> P37i --> E15[3_1] --> P16 --> E73[4_1]

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

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