E39 Actor

Derivative Generators


E39 Actor
E39 Actor


Name Identifier Description CRM Path
address Coordinates fie_185 This field is used to record coordinates are meant to provide a geographic reference for the location of the documented actor in a reference space. --> P74 --> E53[183_1] --> P168 --> geo:wktLiteral
Related Works fie_166 This field is used to record works that the documented person was primarily responsible for as creator. --> P14i --> E12[166_1] --> P108 --> E22[166_2]
Location Type fie_186 This field is used to record the type of the location that is documented with regards to the address. Groups may have many different locations. This descriptor enables the differentiation of the groups's different locales. --> P74 --> E53[183_1] --> P2 --> E55[186_1]
Floruit - Latest date fie_122 This field is used to record the end date of the documented period of greatest activity/flourishing of the documented actor. --> P14i --> F51[121_1] --> P4 --> E52[121_2] --> P82b --> xsd:dateTime<br><br> --> P14i --> F51[121_1] --> P2 --> E55["Floruit"][121_3]
Period of Activity - Earliest fie_125 This field is used to record the earliest possible date for the period in which the documented actor pursued a field of activity during their existence/lifetime. --> P14i --> F51[124_1] --> P4 --> E52[125_1] --> P82a --> xsd:dateTime
Cultural Affiliation fie_146 This field is used to record cultural group to which the documented actor is affiliated. The larger group is meant as an actual existing cultural body of actors with their own identity. --> P107i --> E74[146_1]<br><br> --> P107i --> E74[46_2] --> E55["Cultural Group"]
Floruit Location fie_123 This field is used to record the location of the period of greatest activity/flourishing of the documented actor. --> P14i --> F51[121_1] --> P7 --> E53[123_1]<br><br> --> P14i --> F51[121_1] --> P2 --> E55["Floruit"][121_3]
Activity Location fie_127 This field is used to record the location at which the documented actor pursued a field of activity during their existence/lifetime. --> P14i --> F51[124_1] --> P7 --> E53[127_1]<br><br> --> P14i --> F51[124_1] --> P2 --> E55["Field of Activity"][125_1]
Is Member of fie_34 This field is used to record the institution or group to which the documented institution, group or individual belonged as member. --> P107i --> E74[34_1]
Address fie_183 This field is used to record an address of the documented actor. --> P74 --> E53[183_1] --> P1 --> E41[183_2]
National Affiliation fie_145 This field is used to record the association of the documented actor to a national body, usually indicating its legal or citizenship association. --> P107i --> E74[145_1] --> P107i --> E74[145_2] --> E55["National Group"]
Event fie_120 This field is used to record well known events in which the documented actor participated. --> P11i --> E7[120_1]
Period of Activity - Latest fie_126 This field is used to record the latest possible date for the period in which the documented actor pursued a field of activity during their existence/lifetime. --> P14i --> F51[124_1] --> P4 --> E52[125_1] --> P82b --> xsd:dateTime
Address Type fie_184 This field is used to record the type of the address of the documented actor. --> P74 --> E53[183_1] --> P1 --> E41[183_2] --> P2 --> E55[184_1]
Field of Activity fie_124 This field is used to record a field of activity that the documented actor pursued during their existence/lifetime. --> P14i --> F51[124_1] --> R59 --> E55[124_2]
Publications fie_165 This field is used to record well known publications that an actor has authored. --> P14i --> E65[165_1] --> P94 --> E73[165_2]
Floruit - Earliest date fie_121 This field is used to record the start date of the documented period of greatest activity/flourishing of the documented actor. --> P14i --> F51[121_1] --> P4 --> E52[121_2] --> P82a --> xsd:dateTime<br><br> --> P14i --> F51[121_1] --> P2 --> E55["Floruit"][121_3]

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