Digital Resources

Derivative Generators


RCM.8_Digital Resources
Digital Resources
Any digital resource or small set of consistent resources that are the output of a single process or activity, including images, word or pdf documents, video, audio or data files. Each individual file can have its own technical and identity information, but the creation of them is described only at the instance level.
Ontological Scope
D1 Digital Object
Version Date
Last Modified
George Bruseker, Veselina Kalkandzhieva
Getty Conservation Institute
crmarchaeo_1.4.1, crmtex_2.0, crminf_1.0, crmcpr_1.5.1, crmsci_1.2.6, skos_1.0, crmgeo_1.2.1, crmaaa_1.5.4, crmpe_3.1.1, dc_1.1, crmdig_3.2.1, la_0.9, crm_7.1.1, dcterms_1.1, admo_1.0, rdfs_1.1, frbr_2.4
System Name
Funding Project

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF



[CAT.1] Names and Identifiers

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.6 Name This field is used to record the string value of the name attributed to the documented entity. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p190->rdf:literal String
LAF.5 Name Type This field is used to record the type of the name attributed to the documented entity. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p2->E55[5_1] Concept
LAF.7 Name Language This field is used to record the language of the name attributed to the documented entity. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p72->E56[7_1] Concept
LAF.44 Source Reference Work for Name This field is used to link to a source text in which the name denoting the documented entity is used. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p67i->E33[44_1] Reference Model Textual Work
LAF.4 Name Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for displaying the instance of name that is used to denote the documented entity. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String
LAF.10 Identifier This field is used to record an identifier attributed to the documented entity. ->p1->E42[8_1]->p190->rdf:literal String
LAF.9 Identifier Type This field is used to record the type of the identifier attributed to the documented entity. ->p1->E42[8_1]->p2->E55[9_1] Concept
LAF.45 Source Reference Work for Identifier This field is used to link to a source text in which the identifier denoting the documented entity is used. ->p1->E42[8_1]->p67i->E33[45_1] Reference Model Textual Work
LAF.8 Identifier Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for displaying the instance of identifier that is used to denote the documented entity. ->p1->E42[8_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.16] Classification

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.11 Type This field is used to record the formal type of the documented entity. ->p2->E55[11_1] Concept

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.3] Substance

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.101 Dimension Value This field is used to record the value for the documented instance of dimension. ->p43->E54[98_1]->p90->rdf:literal Integer
LAF.104 Dimension Type This field is used to record the formal type of the documented dimension. ->p43->E54[98_1]->p2->E55[104_1] Concept
LAF.99 Dimension Unit This field is used to record the unit for the documented instance of dimension. ->p43->E54[98_1]->p91->E58[99_1] Concept
LAF.105 Dimension Lowest Possible Value This field is used to record the lowest possible value for a dimension when the value of the dimension is known as a range. ->p43->E54[98_1]->p90a->rdf:literal Integer
LAF.98 Dimension Highest Possible Value This field is used to record the highest possible value for a dimension when the value of the dimension is known as a range. ->p43->E54[98_1]->p90b->rdf:literal Integer
LAF.103 Source Reference Work for Dimension This field is used to link the documented dimension to a statement that describes it. ->p43->E54[98_1]->p67i->E33[103_1] Reference Model Textual Work
LAF.100 Dimension Name This field is used to link the documented dimension to a name that has been attributed to it. ->p43->E54[98_1]->p1->E33_E41[100_1] Collection
LAF.102 Dimension Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for the documented dimension. ->p43->E54[98_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String
LAF.122 URI of Standards Document This field is used to link the digital resource to a string that describes the kind of standard to which it conforms. ->dcterms:conformsTo->E73[122_1] String
LAF.97 Collection This field is used to link the documented entity to a set of which it is a member. ->la:member_of->la:Set[97_1] Reference Model Set

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.5] Events

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.106 Digital Service Type This field is used to record the formal type of the documented digital resource provision service. ->la:digitally_available_via->la:DigitalService[106_1]->p2->E55[106_2] Concept
LAF.107 Digital Service Type Conformance This field is used to link the digital resource provision service to a string that describes the kind of standard to which it conforms. ->la:digitally_available_via->la:DigitalService[106_1]->dcterms:ConformsTo->E73[107_1] String
LAF.108 Statement about Digital Service This field is used to link the documented digital resource provision service to a statement that describes it. ->la:digitally_available_via->la:DigitalService[106_1]->p67i->E33[108_1] Collection Statement
LAF.109 Identifier for Digital Service This field is used to link the documented digital resource provision service to an identifier that has been attributed to it. ->la:digitally_available_via->la:DigitalService[106_1]->p1->E42[109_1] Collection Identifier
LAF.110 Name for Digital Service This field is used to link the documented digital resource provision service to a name that has been attributed to it. ->la:digitally_available_via->la:DigitalService[106_1]->p1->E33_E41[110_1] Collection Name
LAF.111 Digital Service Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for the documented digital resource provision service. ->la:digitally_available_via->la:DigitalService[106_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String
LAF.71 Creation Event Location This field is used to link the documented entity creation activity to a location at which it was carried out. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P7->E53[71_2] Reference Model Place
LAF.85 Source Reference Work for Creation Event This field is used to link the documented entity creation activity to a textual source which documents the creation itself. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P67i->E33[85_1] Reference Model Textual Work
LAF.86 Creator This field is used to link the documented entity creation activity to an actor responsible for carrying it out. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P14->E39[86_1] Reference Model Person , Group
LAF.87 Influences on Creation Event This field is used to link the documented entity creation activity to any entity which had a substantial influence on that activity. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P15->E1[87_1] Reference Model Person , Group , Collection Item , Provenance Activity , Set , Place , Textual Work , Digital Resources
LAF.89 Physical Object used in Creation Event This field is used to link the documented entity creation activity to an instance of physical object used in the exercise of this activity in a manner consequential to its outcome. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P16->E22[89_1] Reference Model Collection Item
LAF.93 Creation Event Technique This field is used to indicate a kind of technique used in the execution of the documented entity creation activity. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P32->E55[93_1] Concept
LAF.91 Creation Event Type This field is used to record the formal type of the documented entity creation activity. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P2->E55[91_1] Concept
LAF.96 Related Event causal to Creation Event This field is used to link the documented entity creation activity to another event which was the causal reason behind its coming to be. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->O13i->E5[96_1] Reference Model Provenance Activity
LAF.90 TimeSpan of Creation Event This field is used to link the documented entity creation activity to an instance of time-span recording the temporal extent of the activity. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P4->E52[90_1] Collection TimeSpan
LAF.88 Name for Creation Event This field is used to link the documented entity creation activity to a name that has been attributed to it. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P1->E33_E41[88_1] Collection Name
LAF.94 Identifier for Creation Event This field is used to link the documented entity creation activity to an identifier that has been attributed to it. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P1->E42[94_1] Collection Identifier
LAF.95 Statement about Creation Event This field is used to link the documented entity creation activity to a statement that describes it. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->P67i->E33[95_1] Collection Statement
LAF.92 Creation Event Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for the documented entity creation activity. ->P94i->E65[71_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.9] Parthood

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
SRDF.30 Part of Digital Resource This field is used to record a digital object of which the documented digital object is a part. ->p106i->D1[SRDF.30_1] Reference Model Digital Resources

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.11] Information Carriers& Information Carried

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.119 Text Carried This field is used to link the documented digital resource to a text which it bears. ->la:digitally_carries->E33[119_1] Reference Model Textual Work
LAF.112 Statement about File This field is used to link the documented file to a statement that describes it. ->p129->E73[112_1]->p148i->E33[112_2] Collection Statement
LAF.113 File Conformance This field is used to link the file to a string that describes the kind of standard to which it conforms. ->p129->E73[112_1]->dcterms:conformsTo->E73[113_1] String
LAF.114 File Type This field is used to record the formal type of the documented file. ->p129->E73[112_1]->p2->E55[114_1] Concept
LAF.115 File Format This field is used to record the format of the documented file. ->p129->E73[112_1]->dc:format->rdf:literal String
LAF.116 Identifier for File This field is used to link the documented file to an identifier that has been attributed to it. ->p129->E73[112_1]->p1->E42[116_1] Collection Identifier
LAF.117 File Creation Event This field is used to link the documented file to information regarding its creation. ->p129->E73[112_1]->p94i->E65[117_1] Collection Creation
LAF.118 Name of File This field is used to link the documented file to a name that has been attributed to it. ->p129->E73[112_1]->p1->E33_E41[118_1] Collection Name

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.13] Description

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.15 Statement This field is used to record the actual textual content of the statement describing the documented entity. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p190->rdf:literal String
LAF.14 Statement Type This field is used to record the formal type of the statement made about the documented entity. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p2->E55[14_1] Concept
PIRF.464 Statement Type Metatype This field is used to record the type of the formal type of the statement made about the documented entity. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p2->E55[14_1]->p2->E55[464_1] Concept
LAF.16 Statement Language This field is used to record the language of the statement describing the documented entity. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p72->E56[16_1] Concept
LAF.55 Source Reference Work for Statement This field is used to link to a source text from which the statement describing the documented entity is derived. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p67i->E33[55_1] Reference Model Textual Work
LAF.13 Statement Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for displaying the instance of statement that describes the documented entity. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.14] Documentation

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
SRDF.369 Textual Source This field is used to link the documented entity to a digital object which refers to the documented entity. ->P02i->PC67[SRDF.369_1]->P01->D1[SRDF.369_2] Reference Model Textual Work
SRDF.370 Textual Reference Type This field is used to indicate the type of a digital object which refers to the documented entity. ->P02i->PC67[SRDF.364_1]->P67.1->E55[SRDF.370_1] Concept
LAF.54 Internal Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for the documented entity. rdfs:label->rdf:literal String

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


Generated by Zellīj, © 2021.