Textual Work

Derivative Generators


RCM.7_Textual Work
Textual Work
This model enables the documentation of textual resources. These are typically sales catalogues or stock books which stand as witness to provenance events in the past. The function of this model is to enable the documentation of textual works of cultural historical importance. By textual works is meant individually identifiable written documents with some intellectual content or a part of such a document. Please note, the textual work model is intended to facilitate the recording of the document itself as an intellectual object, not a particular physical copy. In the PIR content this model is typically used to record overall sales catalogues, auction catalogues and stock books as well as their individual entries and, where appropriate, pages and other subdivision. This model is intended to aid provenance researchers to locate the original source information based upon which record of individual assertions within records have been made in the Provenance Index.
Ontological Scope
E33 Linguistic Object
Version Date
Last Modified
George Bruseker, Veselina Kalkandzhieva
Getty Conservation Institute
crmarchaeo_1.4.1, crmtex_2.0, crminf_1.0, crmcpr_1.5.1, crmsci_1.2.6, skos_1.0, crmgeo_1.2.1, crmaaa_1.5.4, crmpe_3.1.1, dc_1.1, crmdig_3.2.1, la_0.9, crm_7.1.1, dcterms_1.1, admo_1.0, rdfs_1.1, frbr_2.4
System Name
Funding Project

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF



[CAT.1] Names and Identifiers

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.6 Name This field is used to record the string value of the name attributed to the documented entity. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p190->rdf:literal String
LAF.5 Name Type This field is used to record the type of the name attributed to the documented entity. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p2->E55[5_1] Concept
LAF.7 Name Language This field is used to record the language of the name attributed to the documented entity. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p72->E56[7_1] Concept
LAF.44 Source Reference Work for Name This field is used to link to a source text in which the name denoting the documented entity is used. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p67i->E33[44_1] Reference Model Textual Work
LAF.500 Name Part This field is used to link the documented name of an entity to its relevant name part. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p106->E33_E41[500_1] Collection Name
LAF.4 Name Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for displaying the instance of name that is used to denote the documented entity. ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String
LAF.10 Identifier This field is used to record an identifier attributed to the documented entity. ->p1->E42[8_1]->p190->rdf:literal String
LAF.9 Identifier Type This field is used to record the type of the identifier attributed to the documented entity. ->p1->E42[8_1]->p2->E55[9_1] Concept
LAF.45 Source Reference Work for Identifier This field is used to link to a source text in which the identifier denoting the documented entity is used. ->p1->E42[8_1]->p67i->E33[45_1] Reference Model Textual Work
LAF.8 Identifier Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for displaying the instance of identifier that is used to denote the documented entity. ->p1->E42[8_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String
LAF.37 External URI This field is used to document a URI which is meant to indicate an equivalence between the documented entity and a resolvable, structured reference resource that stands as a document for this self same entity. ->skos:ExactMatch->E1[37_1] uri

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.16] Classification

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.11 Type This field is used to record the formal type of the documented entity. ->p2->E55[11_1] Concept

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.3] Substance

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.389 Language This field is used to link the documented linguistic object to the language in which it is expressed. ->P72->E56[389_1] Concept

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.12] Aboutness

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.392 Subject this work is about This field is used to link the documented information object to the subject it is about. ->P129->E55[392_1] Concept

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.13] Description

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.15 Statement This field is used to record the actual textual content of the statement describing the documented entity. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p190->rdf:literal String
LAF.14 Statement Type This field is used to record the formal type of the statement made about the documented entity. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p2->E55[14_1] Concept
PIRF.464 Statement Type Metatype This field is used to record the type of the formal type of the statement made about the documented entity. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p2->E55[14_1]->p2->E55[464_1] Concept
LAF.16 Statement Language This field is used to record the language of the statement describing the documented entity. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p72->E56[16_1] Concept
LAF.13 Statement Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for displaying the instance of statement that describes the documented entity. ->p67i->E33[13_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


[CAT.14] Documentation

Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.54 Internal Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for the documented entity. rdfs:label->rdf:literal String

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


Generated by Zellīj, © 2021.