Provenance Activity
Derivative Generators |
RCM.4_Provenance Activity
Provenance Activity
The function of this model is to provide records of the provenance events in which an object is known to have been involved in during its existence. In particular this constitutes events of transfer of ownership and custody of the object or rights to an object, including acts of payment between parties, as well as changes of physical location and witnessing of the object through acts such as inventory. The provenance model is intended to facilitate the tracking of the different activities in which an object has been involved in its existence so as to determine its overall provenance and to understand particular events that have occurred to the object in its history.
Ontological Scope
E7 Activity
Version Date
Last Modified
George Bruseker, Veselina Kalkandzhieva
Getty Conservation Institute
crmarchaeo_1.4.1, crmtex_2.0, crminf_1.0, crmcpr_1.5.1, crmsci_1.2.6, skos_1.0, crmgeo_1.2.1, crmaaa_1.5.4, crmpe_3.1.1, dc_1.1, crmdig_3.2.1, la_0.9, crm_7.1.1, dcterms_1.1, admo_1.0, rdfs_1.1, frbr_2.4
System Name
Funding Project
Ontology Graph
Instance Graph
Turtle RDF
[CAT.1] Names and Identifiers
Identifier | Name | Description | CRM Path | Expected Value Type | Expected Model | Expected Collection | Derivatives |
LAF.6 | Name | This field is used to record the string value of the name attributed to the documented entity. | ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p190->rdf:literal | String | |||
LAF.5 | Name Type | This field is used to record the type of the name attributed to the documented entity. | ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p2->E55[5_1] | Concept | |||
LAF.7 | Name Language | This field is used to record the language of the name attributed to the documented entity. | ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p72->E56[7_1] | Concept | |||
LAF.44 | Source Reference Work for Name | This field is used to link to a source text in which the name denoting the documented entity is used. | ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->p67i->E33[44_1] | Reference Model | Textual Work | ||
LAF.4 | Name Label | This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for displaying the instance of name that is used to denote the documented entity. | ->p1->E33_E41[4_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal | String | |||
LAF.10 | Identifier | This field is used to record an identifier attributed to the documented entity. | ->p1->E42[8_1]->p190->rdf:literal | String | |||
LAF.9 | Identifier Type | This field is used to record the type of the identifier attributed to the documented entity. | ->p1->E42[8_1]->p2->E55[9_1] | Concept | |||
LAF.45 | Source Reference Work for Identifier | This field is used to link to a source text in which the identifier denoting the documented entity is used. | ->p1->E42[8_1]->p67i->E33[45_1] | Reference Model | Textual Work | ||
LAF.8 | Identifier Label | This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for displaying the instance of identifier that is used to denote the documented entity. | ->p1->E42[8_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal | String |
Ontology Graph
Instance Graph
Turtle RDF
[CAT.16] Classification
Identifier | Name | Description | CRM Path | Expected Value Type | Expected Model | Expected Collection | Derivatives |
LAF.11 | Classification | This field is used to record the formal type of the documented entity. | ->p2->E55[11_1] | Concept |
Ontology Graph
Instance Graph
Turtle RDF
[CAT.3] Substance
Identifier | Name | Description | CRM Path | Expected Value Type | Expected Model | Expected Collection | Derivatives |
LAF.19 | Location | This field is used to link the documented activity to an instance of place at which it occurred. | ->p7->E53[19_1] | Reference Model | Place | ||
LAF.25 | Beginning of the beginning | This field is used to record the earliest possible start date for the timespan of the documented event. | ->p4->E52[22_1]->p82a->xsl:date | Date | |||
LAF.24 | Beginning of the end | This field is used to record the earliest possible end date for the timespan of the documented event. | ->p4->E52[22_1]->p81b->xsl:date | Date | |||
LAF.23 | End of the beginning | This field is used to record the latest possible start date for the timespan of the documented event. | ->p4->E52[22_1]->p81a->xsl:date | Date | |||
LAF.26 | End of the end | This field is used to record the latest possible end date for the timespan of the documented event. | ->p4->E52[22_1]->p82b->xsl:date | Date | |||
LAF.48 | Timespan Type | This field is used to record the formal type of the timespan of the documented event. | ->p4->E52[22_1]->p2->E55[48_1] | Concept | |||
LAF.49 | Timespan Name | This field is used to link to a name attributed to the timespan of the documented event. | ->p4->E52[22_1]->p1->E33_E41[49_1] | Collection | Name | ||
LAF.46 | Timespan Label | This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for displaying the instance of timespan of the documented event. | ->p4->E52[22_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal | String |
Ontology Graph
Instance Graph
Turtle RDF
[CAT.5] Events
Identifier | Name | Description | CRM Path | Expected Value Type | Expected Model | Expected Collection | Derivatives |
LAF.368 | Person taking ownership | This field is used to link the documented acquisition to the actor who received possession of the object transferred through the activity. | ->P9->E8[1391_1]->P22->E39[368_1] | Reference Model | Person , Group | ||
LAF.373 | Person relinquishing (or ceding) ownership | This field is used to link the documented acquisition to the actor who ceded the title of the object through the activity. | ->P9->E8[1391_1]->P23->E39[373_1] | Reference Model | Person , Group | ||
LAF.369 | Object that changed ownership | This field is used to link the documented acquisition to the object transferred through it. | ->P9->E8[1391_1]->P24->E22[369_1] | Reference Model | Collection Item |
Ontology Graph
Instance Graph
Turtle RDF
[CAT.9] Parthood
Identifier | Name | Description | CRM Path | Expected Value Type | Expected Model | Expected Collection | Derivatives |
LAF.42 | Part Of | This field is used to link the documented temporal entity to the broader temporal entity of which it forms a proper part. | ->p9i->E7[42_1] | Reference Model |
Ontology Graph
Instance Graph
Turtle RDF
[CAT.13] Description
Identifier | Name | Description | CRM Path | Expected Value Type | Expected Model | Expected Collection | Derivatives |
LAF.15 | Statement | This field is used to record the actual textual content of the statement describing the documented entity. | ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p190->rdf:literal | String | |||
LAF.14 | Statement Type | This field is used to record the formal type of the statement made about the documented entity. | ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p2->E55[14_1] | Concept | |||
PIRF.464 | Statement Type Metatype | This field is used to record the type of the formal type of the statement made about the documented entity. | ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p2->E55[14_1]->p2->E55[464_1] | Concept | |||
LAF.16 | Statement Language | This field is used to record the language of the statement describing the documented entity. | ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p72->E56[16_1] | Concept | |||
LAF.55 | Source Reference Work for Statement | This field is used to link to a source text from which the statement describing the documented entity is derived. | ->p67i->E33[13_1]->p67i->E33[55_1] | Reference Model | Textual Work | ||
LAF.13 | Statement Label | This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for displaying the instance of statement that describes the documented entity. | ->p67i->E33[13_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal | String |
Ontology Graph
Instance Graph
Turtle RDF
[CAT.14] Documentation
Identifier | Name | Description | CRM Path | Expected Value Type | Expected Model | Expected Collection | Derivatives |
SRDF.364 | Textual Source | This field is used to link to a bibliographic item which serves as a citation for the documented entity. | ->P02i->PC67[SRDF.364_1]->P01->E33[SRDF.364_2] | Reference Model | Textual Work | ||
SRDF.365 | Textual Reference Type | This field is used to link to a type record which indicates the kind of reference supported by the linguistic object that serves as a citation for the documented entity. | ->P02i->PC67[SRDF.364_1]->P67.1->E55[SRDF.365_1] | Concept | |||
SRDF.369 | Digital Source | This field is used to link the documented entity to a digital object which refers to the documented entity. | ->P02i->PC67[SRDF.369_1]->P01->D1[SRDF.369_2] | Reference Model | Digital Resources | ||
SRDF.370 | Digital Reference Type | This field is used to indicate the type of a digital object which refers to the documented entity. | ->P02i->PC67[SRDF.364_1]->P67.1->E55[SRDF.370_1] | Concept | |||
LAF.54 | Label | This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for the documented entity. | rdfs:label->rdf:literal | String |
Ontology Graph
Instance Graph
Turtle RDF
Generated by Zellīj, © 2021.