
Derivative Generators


This collection of fields enables the documentation of information describing the various parameters involved in the curation of a conceptual/abstract object. Such parameters typically include information such as actors involved, the location at which it took place, the method adopted in the curation and so on. Curation here has the sense of the maintenance and care of the conceptual object over time.
System Name
Version Date
Funding Project
crm_7.1.1, frbr_2.4, crmdig_3.2.1, crmgeo_1.2.1, rdfs_1.1, la_0.9, dc_1.1, skos_1.0, crmarchaeo_1.4.1, dcterms_1.1, crmsci_1.2.6, crminf_1.0
Ontological Scope


Identifier Name Description CRM Path Expected Value Type Expected Model Field Expected Collection Derivatives
LAF.61 Actor in Curation Event This field is used to link the documented entity curation activity to an actor responsible for carrying it out. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P14->E39[61_1] Reference Model LAM.9_person, LAM.4_group LAF.61_curation_actor
LAF.58 Location of Curation Event This field is used to link the documented entity curation activity to a location at which it was carried out. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P7->E53[58_2] Reference Model LAM.11_place LAF.58_curation_location
LAF.64 Object used in Curation Event This field is used to link the documented entity curation activity to an instance of physical object used in the exercise of this activity in a manner consequential to its outcome. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P16->E22[64_1] Reference Model LAM.10_physical_thing, LAM.13_textual_work, LAM.14_visual_work, LAM.2_collection, LAM.3_digital_resource LAF.64_curation_object_used
LAF.68 Curation Event Technique This field is used to indicate a kind of technique used in the execution of the documented entity curation activity. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P32->E55[68_1] Concept LAF.68_curation_technique
LAF.62 Influence on Curation Event This field is used to link the documented entity curation activity to any entity which had a substantial influence on that activity. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P15->E1[62_1] Reference Model LAM.1_activity, LAM.2_collection, LAM.3_digital_resource, LAM.4_group, LAM.8_period, LAM.9_person, LAM.10_physical_thing, LAM.11_place, LAM.12_provenance_activity, LAM.13_textual_work LAF.62_curation_influence
LAF.66 Curation Event Type This field is used to record the formal type of the documented entity curation activity. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P2->E55[66_1] Concept LAF.66_curation_type
LAF.60 Source Reference Work for Curation Event This field is used to link the documented entity curation activity to a textual source which documents the curation itself. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P67i->E33[60_1] Reference Model LAM.13_textual_work LAF.60_curation_source_reference
LAF.67 Curation Event Label This field is used to record the string value of the machine readable label used for the documented entity curation activity. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->rdfs:label->rdf:literal String LAF.67_curation_label
LAF.65 Timespan of Curation Event This field is used to link the documented entity curation activity to an instance of time-span recording the temporal extent of the activity. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P4->E52[65_1] Collection LAF.65_curation_timespan LAP.6_timespan
LAF.63 Name for Curation Event This field is used to link the documented entity curation activity to a name that has been attributed to it. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P1->E33_E41[63_1] Collection LAF.63_curation_name LAP.1_name
LAF.69 Identifier for Curation Event This field is used to link the documented entity curation activity to an identifier that has been attributed to it. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P1->E42[69_1] Collection LAF.69_curation_identifier LAP.2_identifier
LAF.70 Statement about Curation Event This field is used to link the documented entity curation activity to a statement that describes it. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P67i->E33[70_1] Collection LAF.70_curation_statement LAP.4_statement
LAF.59 Curation Event Period This field is used to link the documented entity curation activity to a location at which it was carried out. ->P16i->E7[58_1]->P117->E4[59_1] Reference Model LAM.8_period LAF.59_curation_period

Ontology Graph

Instance Graph

Turtle RDF


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